Cover Design: Fil Van Den Bos. Copywright 2001 As I started reading Meditations in My Favourite Places in Southern Africa, I felt a tremor run through me as if Id stepped into an African Dreamtime. Her words weave the colors and smells of special places in Southern Africa in a way that is so profoundly spiritual and yet at the same time very grounded. Its a realistic guide to time out in some of the most beautiful places this continent has to offer where she gently shows us how to connect with both ourselves and nature at its best. By the time I reluctantly read the final chapter I felt that Id inwardly traveled to these places with the writer and all that remains now is to go out and experience them for myself. To sum it up, this is a unique and long overdue book on finding ourselves both physically and on a Soul level in this beautiful land.
Fil Van Den Bos: Cover Design