Meditations In My Favourite Places In Southern Africa. List Price:$11.99
Paperback: 104 pages ;
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 0595200869;
(May 2000)
Brief Description:
A travelogue for outer journeys through Southern Africa and inner journeys of the spirit! Explore the splendours of Southern Africa. Visit wide-open vistas, coastlines, deltas, forests and mountain ranges......

List Price: $9.95.
Paperback:132 pages ;
Dimensions (in inches): 0.32 x 9.01 x 6.02
Publisher: iUniverse.com;
ISBN: 0595155642;
(January 2001)
Brief Description:
Take a journey through time in Time Trials, the trials of time. Miriam goes on a spiritual quest where the time threads have been pulled out of the fabric of her days and she discovers the slip stream and the meaning of life .........

The Firstborn of God.
List Price: $16.95.
Paperback - 288 pages
(May 1, 2000)
Publisher:iUniverse Publishing Services;
ISBN: 0595096956 ;
Dimensions (in inches): 0.72 x 9.03 x 6.07
Brief Description:
"The Firstborn of God. Resolving the Contradictions in the Bible" is a controversial study that challenges accepted orthodox interpretation. Evans has for the last fourteen years researched and studied not only the Bible, but the Nag Hammadi Texts including the Gospel of Thomas and The Sea Scrolls. ...